
From Publishers Weekly:

With demand for mass market paperbacks withering, Berkley/NAL, the mass market paperback division of Penguin, will launch a new e-book imprint in January that will operate much like a mass market paperback publisher. InterMix will focus on titles in traditional mass market genres—women’s fiction, romance, mystery/thriller and science fiction/fantasy—and will release a mix of reprints and titles from new authors.

For its January launch, InterMix will publish 11 Nora Roberts’s titles for the first time as e-books. The titles, which originally had been published by Silhouette, will be priced at a mass-market like $6.99. In February, InterMix will bring back to life an old mass market line, Signet Regency, releasing six books as e-books for the first time. Three additional Regency-set romances will be released each month throughout 2012.


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