#Joplin Walmart after today's tornado.  on Twitpic

Although this doesn’t have anything directly to do with e-books, it points out a way that authors can use digital media to help raise money for worthy causes. Yesterday, tornadoes ripped through Joplin, Missouri, a city about 90 miles west of my home in Springfield, killing at least 89 people and leaving many more homeless.

Galleycat reports that to help raise money for a relief effort through Shelterbox, authors Maureen Johnson and Robin Wasserman are auctioning full book critiques on Twitter.

Johnson led a similar fundraiser for earthquake victims in New Zealand and Japan. Here’s more about the charity: “Shelterbox is an organization that goes into areas of the world affected by disaster with large green boxes that contain shelters and the materials needed for people to restart their lives on some level. The boxes always include a top-quality tent, and they usually include stoves, blankets, water purification systems, and tools. This is true, life-saving stuff, hand-delivered by volunteers trained in survival techniques.”

It’s one thing to hear about crises in Haiti, New Zealand, and Japan, and quite another for something like this to strike a major city so close to home. Here’s hoping that many people can pitch in and help out.


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