er_photo_128449_50.pngThe Asus DR-950 has been announced and should launch at the end of March or early April

It has a 1024×768 resolution screen and uses SiPix technology, not E Ink. It is only 9mm thick and incudes a virtual keyboard, handwriting recognition, 2GB or 4GB of memory and an SDHC slot, along with a web browser and RSS feed reader. It will have a built-in dictionary and text-to-speech. WiFi will be included and there will also be an options 3.5G HSDPA,WiMax module.

Formats include PDF, unprotected epub, html, text and various audio and picture formats. Price is £250, about US$450, and more details and pictures are here.

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  1. It doesn’t do any flavour of mobi? It doesn’t read Kindle books or Sony protected books? and he authors of link claim it “puts the Kindle DX to shame”?!? I admire ASUS and love some of their products but this seems just weird to me.

  2. Is SiPix a reflective display technology? I’m not married to E-Ink per se, but a backlit display for a dedicated e-reading device is the non-starter for me. I already have a laptop, an iPod touch and a Palm Pre.

    I’d love to see a summary of the non-e-ink reflective display technologies being developed. Everything has a clever name, these days, including new versions of old tech. It’s going to get hard to keep them straight, I fear.

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