Librarians for Kerry should enlighten their hero about the #%^&R% Sonny Bono Act, the DMCA and other joys that he and John Edwards won’t speak out on–perhaps because of massive Hollywood contributions.

Hmm. I’m at least assuming that the Librarians for Kerry exists as reported by LISNews. The link for an LFK mailing list doesn’t work as of this writing. Has the group already disbanded because of all the challenges ahead? Or is the link just wrong?

I’m voting for Kerry-Edwards, but I’m sure gonna hold my nose tightly.

Update: There is a 15-member Yahoo e-mail group called Librarians for Kerry/Edwards with 257 messages. I’ve just joined. I like the description: “Librarians who believe in the First Amendment, unsuppressed dissent, and equity of access to information meet here to discuss strategies to regain democracy in the USA by supporting John Kerry and John Edwards.” The big quesion is whether Kerry-Edwards carry will care that much about those goals compared to Hollywood campaign donors and the rest. LFK could help. None of the 257 messages so far would seem to be on copyright–unless I’m missing something–but perhaps that can change.


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