Update: The event is over. No really big news—new iTunes and iPod models announced. The items of most potential interest to e-readers are that the new iPod Touch will have slightly better battery life, a hardware volume control, internal speaker, and slightly lower cost: the 32 gb model will top out at $399. Also, an iPhone/iPod Touch firmware upgrade to 2.1 will drop on Friday (free to those who have bought 2.0, $10 to others).

Update 2: The 2.1 firmware for the iPod Touch (not the iPhone) is available now, via the iTunes updater. However, you must have upgraded iTunes to 8.0 to install it successfully. (iTunes 8.0 may not have hit software update yet, but it is downloadable manually from the Apple website.)

Update 3: The video stream of the event is now available from Apple.

For more information, see the list of sites below the jump.

Here are some links to watch starting around 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific today for live coverage of the event. (This list was sourced from Macsimum News’s live coverage list, 37prime’s Links for Apple “Let’s Rock” Live Coverage, and Google.) I may update this list throughout the day if I find additional or better sources of coverage.


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