appleguitar Well, this is a first.

Rather than waiting to post the video until several hours after the event, Apple will be livestreaming its presentation this morning…at least, to those with Macs, iPod Touches, iPhones, or iPads.

Apple® will broadcast its September 1 event online using Apple’s industry-leading HTTP Live Streaming, which is based on open standards. Viewing requires either a Mac® running Safari® on Mac OS® X version 10.6 Snow Leopard®, an iPhone® or iPod touch® running iOS 3.0 or higher, or an iPad™. The live broadcast will begin at 10:00 a.m. PDT on September 1, 2010 at

I really like how in one sentence they say it’s “based on open standards” and then in the next say that viewing requires one of their devices. That’s Apple for you. Non-Apple-device-owning Windows users are apparently going to have to make do with the liveblogs.

I don’t usually get up until about 1:00 these days, but I’m going to be setting my alarm an hour early so as not to miss this.

(Found via Engadget.)


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