Today seems to be a day for story pairs, as here are a pair of fairly strange Apple stories.

First, a consulting firm concludes that users of Apple products, such as the iPhone, are experiencing a psychological delusion akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

“When we examine the iPhone users’ arguments defending the iPhone, it reminds us of the famous Stockholm Syndrome – a term that was invented by psychologists after a hostage drama in Stockholm. Here hostages reacted to the psychological pressure they were experiencing, by defending the people that had held them hostage for 6 days,” the [analysts] continue.

Given how much Apple gets bashed and how quick many Apple fans are to respond, who knows—they might be onto something there. But if my iPod Touch has “kidnapped” me, at least it lets me read e-books better than anything else!

The other story is a satirical homage by Rex Hammock to a famous newspaper column from this time of year: “No, Virginia, the Apple Tablet is a big fat Fairy Tale”. The content is just about what you would expect—though as Hammock notes in the comments below, it is a joke. (He also wrote a column in March predicting the Apple tablet would be out by summer.)


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