JailbreakThe jailbreak wars continue.

Last week, users found that a recent iBooks update had the undocumented side-effect of failing to open DRM-protected e-books on jailbroken iOS devices. ReadWriteWeb presumed this was Apple’s way of trying to protect its DRM from being broken and unprotected e-books subsequently exported.

However, the jailbreakers have struck back. ReadWriteWeb now reports that the developers of the jailbreak Sn0wbreeze have released a new version that supposedly fixes iBooks “100%” (though some users have still reported trouble with it). As always, if you jailbreak your device, you do so at your own risk.

I’m not personally affected by this, both because my iPod Touch is too old to run iBooks, and because I don’t buy iBooks content anyway. But I can see how annoying it would be for those who do jailbreak. It will be interesting to see what Apple does in response. It puts me in mind of all the updates to iTunes to thwart people who kept cracking Apple’s Fairplay DRM.


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