The AOL faction’s influence on AOL Time Warner continues to weaken, and that might have copyright implications–since the Old Media boys will be firming up their power in the areas of lobbying and tech policy.

Ripples could be felt even at some net-oriented hardware companies, which can’t afford to just ignore the wishes of big customers like AOL.

Bottom line?

Concerns of the publishing side of AOL could matter more than before, and this might come at the expense of the many-to-many model. Just speculation.

Keep in mind that the new CEO of AOL is Richard Parsons, a lawyer strong in regulatory matters.

The bright side is that Time Warner has not been as much a copyright hawk as Walt Disney. But it is still focused on protecting its huge Old Economy investment.

Friday May 24, 3:32 pm Eastern Time
AOL CEO Parsons Reorganizes Executive Ranks
By: Martin Peers, Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal

NEW YORK — AOL Time Warner Inc. (TWX – News) ‘s newly-installed Chief Executive Richard Parsons reorganized reporting lines for some senior corporate staff at the media giant, in a sign that he is putting his own team in place.

The reorganization put lobbying and technology policies under Mr. Parsons’ direct control. In a memo to staff issued earlier today, Mr. Parsons said the company’s executive vice president of global and strategic policy, Robert Kimmitt, and Chief Technology Officer William Raduchel will in future report directly to him. Both executives had reported to Chairman Stephen Case.

Additionally, oversight of relations with press and investors was taken away from Kenneth Lerer, a former public-relations executive who had come from the America Online (NYSE: AOL – News) side….


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