Kindlefire reviews

From A Kindle World Blog. The definitive compilation.  Much, much more at the site:

All the Kindle Fire reviews started coming in last night, and almost every single review is detailed and quite long.  Somewhat off the topic, someone posted a review of the Kindle Touch 3G, and for the most part she missed the physical keyboard.  I would too because I like to see the full screen when I’m typing a note, and I find the clunky keyboard more reliable than touchscreen, for me.  But the new Touch Kindles are faster, from all reports.

Prospective buyers and even those who have already bought a Kindle Fire should read all the pros and cons in the articles linked to here — there are also helpful tips on using some of the features, besides.
And even tips on bugs or glitches :-), both of which would be of interest to both groups.

So, although I’m choosing what I felt were stand-out points from the various reviews and will bold-face more unusual notes (especially one with an answer to a question often asked), I encourage going to the articles linked here.

You’ll see that some reviewers had disappointing sessions with the browser while others thought it was wonderful. I don’t know whether that has to do with the info-gathering the Silkbrowser does, server-wise, or whether some WiFi-setups are slower than others, but all the reviewers know what a normal, fast browsing situation is on the WiFi networks they use.  One reviewer I’m quoting seems to mainly just not like 7″ tablets, but I’ve enjoyed my NookColor for over a year despite his complaints about the downsides of that size unit.  I find the size more ‘handy’ than the larger 10″ and actually would not mind having both sizes for different circumstances, if the price is right.


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