KellenonEeePC Kids are among those targeted by Austek for its  Eee PC. So what does Dr. Ellen Hage‘s son think of the new computer Mom bought?

"Mommy the screen is just too small for me,” she quotes him. Still, she hopes he’ll grow accustomed to the machine and its software and learn from the latter. Good luck to Kellen!

Meanwhile guess who’s made the Wall Street Journal–via a mention in a piece on the EEE and the rival OLPC machine? Congrats, Ellen! Some weeks ago, Paul Biba, another name familiar to TeleBlog readers, was the first example in an upbeat  article on e-books.

Related: A software downloading page, plus Eee-related comments from another parent. Meanwhile shoppers can see the specs for the Eee, whose screen, by the way, is seven inches.

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  1. I think the most disappointing thing in Hage’s post is that apparently the browser/machine didn’t deal well with some Flash games at Cartoon Network. Both of my kids love playing Flash games (some are even educational, but they don’t realize that yet), so yes, her son is a typical kid user and the value of the device is seriously diminished if it chokes on that sort of content.

  2. Something to consider with Kellen and his disappointment with the Eee PC is the fact that he has been using powerful desktop replacement laptop computers all of his life. I believe that if he had only been using a kids computer, the Eee PC would have been a step up for Kellen, rather than an alternative that gives him less than what he is used to using.

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