fire2Speaking of the Kindle Fire, CNet reports that analyst Richard Shim of market research firm DisplaySearch is projecting that Amazon will ship 6 million of the tablets this quarter.

Shim said the timeline for manufacturer build plans was originally at 4 million units. "Shortly after preorders they upped it to 5 [million]," Shim said. "Then, about a week and a half ago as they were getting closer to the actual launch date, they upped it to 6 [million]." The Kindle Fire went on sale November 15.

Meanwhile, production numbers on the iPad 2 are dropping back from 11 million to 9 million this quarter, but Shim says Apple is reading a 2048×1536 resolution iPad 3 for 1Q12 and could ship as many as 8 million of them next quarter.

It’s not clear how many of these Fires will end up being used mainly for e-reading, but that’s still putting a lot more reading-capable devices in people’s hands if they sell as well as expected. (And just think, that means Amazon will only lose about $16 million if the latest teardown guess is correct!)


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