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From the press release:

Amazon.com, Inc. today announced that a free subscription to the digest edition of The Kenyon Review is now available exclusively in the Kindle Store. Kindle customers who subscribe will get access to a selection of the magazine’s fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and editorial content, all at no cost. Customers can visit [this link] to start reading the magazine today on any Kindle, and on free Kindle reading apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Android devices.

“The Kenyon Review has a long and storied history of publishing some of the most famous American writers and poets, from Thomas Pynchon to Maya Angelou,” said Sean Gorman, Director of Periodicals at Amazon. “We’re excited to make the magazine available digitally to fans of the highest-quality fiction and poetry.”

“We’re proud to work in cooperation with Amazon to allow readers around the world to access both a free digest and a full version of The Kenyon Review, featuring the stories, poems, and essays that have made the journal internationally famous,” noted David Lynn, editor of The Kenyon Review. “We will continue to identify and support the most exciting voices of each new generation.”

The Kenyon Review, which publishes quarterly, was founded in 1939 by John Crowe Ransom, and has published works by generations of important writers, including Flannery O’Connor, Ford Madox Ford, Robert Lowell, Boris Pasternak, Bertolt Brecht,Dylan Thomas, Maya Angelou, Rita Dove, Derek Walcott, Thomas Pynchon, Woody Allen, Louise Erdrich and Ha Jin.

A subscription to the extended edition of the magazine, which is also a Kindle exclusive, is available for just $12 a year and includes everything in the digest edition plus several additional poems, short stories and book reviews. Individual issues of the extended edition are also available for $3.99.

Like all Kindle books and many magazines, The Kenyon Review is “Buy Once, Read Everywhere”— customers can read more than 500 newspapers and magazines, including The Economist, Esquire, Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal, using their Kindles and free Kindle reading apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch and Android devices.


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