The long-awaited Aldiko 2.0 is now here! You can download it from the Android market or on our website. The Aldiko 2.0 brings you a brand-new user interface, new features and additional eBook format support.

Highlights of Aldiko 2.0 are:

* Supporting ePub and PDF eBook formats, as well as Adobe DRM
* A new eBook marketplace for you to access eBooks from different booksellers at one place
* Fully customizable reading experience: font type, font size, font and background colors, margin, alignment, line spacing, brightness, display orientation and navigation control are all adjustable to fit your personal reading preference
* Rich features including bookmark, dictionary, full-text search, copy and paste, day/night themes, table of content, progress bar, hyphenation support as well as sharing your favorite texts/quotes in a book
* An advanced library management system which enables you to sort books by different criteria as well as organize books by tags and collections
* A new import feature which make it even easier for you to transfer all your ePub and PDF files to Aldiko and read them on the go.
* A “My Catalog” feature which allows you to add your own eBook catalogs
* Supporting eBooks from public libraries and enabling you to return your borrowed eBooks right within the app


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