There areimages-1.jpeg a whole series of postings on the Adobe Digital Editions forums about people being unable to download protected files to their Sony Readers. Here is one of them:

I’m having the exact same problem. A week ago I downloaded 5 EPUBs with DRM from San Francisco public library. They transfered to the PRS505 and read fine. Today I downloaded 2 more books. They open fine in the ADE software. They will not open in the Sony Library (“This computer is not authorized to read these files”). They do not open on the Sony Reader (“Protected Page”).

It used to work, now it doesn’t. The reader and ADE are both authorized.

I have trouble tickets in with Sony and Adobe but I’m not optimistic.

This is incredibly frustrating. ADE is the buggiest piece of software I’ve encountered in a long time, and we’re held hostage to it because of DRM.

Is anyone else having similar problems? Thanks to Terrance Teoh for the link.


  1. Same problem here…my business just acquired a Sony 505 for training classes, and can’t run both the protected PDF and ePub at the same time….one or the other. This is killing widespread adoption of the ebook…..sigh…..

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