AdobeAn Engadget blogger named Ross Rubin is rooting for Adobe to enter the e-book hardware business.

Over at Adobe, Bill McCoy, an executive involved with e-books, says Rubin has “interesting ideas.”

If Adobe does reader hardware, one real litmus test of its intent will be if the little tablet can run nonAdobe software, including, yes, programs using the OpenReader format. In Adobe’s place I’d do a little Linux machine that could also work out as a general-purpose computer even though it was optimized for e-books. Maybe an Adobe Origami, but cheaper?

Oh, but who says Adobe itself would do the hardware; and just how open would “open” be from an e-book standards perspective? Attentive readers of the TeleBlog can already fill in the blanks–that’s why comment boxes exist–but I’ll have more to say next week.


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