
ActuaLitté : GoSpoken specialises in selling eBooks on mobile phones. What do you say to people who think mobile screens are too small to read on ?

ActuaLitté : I can often see iPhone owners reading books on their device when I’m on the train. We want to offer the same service to customers who have chosen to trust other mobile phone brands such as Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC, Nokia, , Palm etc. on top of offering mobile reading on the iPhone device.

Nowadays no one leaves home without 3 things : Their keys (hopefully!), wallet and mobile phone. Mobile books allow our customers to read when they can’t take a book with them or don’t wish to carry one around. Our customers tell us that they read more and more often since they’ve discovered gospoken.com (on the bus, train, in queues) and the screen size on certain older phone models is a tiny compromise compared to the fantastic added value mobile reading brings them on a day to day basis. Beside, there are lots of fantastic large screen size phones coming out every quarter.

To be honest, if the book is good, I don’t care how I read it, I just want to read it!

You can find the rest of the interview here.


  1. My personal mantra – Jordan’s Theorem – reads: “You get used to what you want to get used to.” In most cases, when people decide they want to do something… like reading an e-book, and even reading it on a small screen… they figure out a way to do it, and they adapt.

    People are amazingly adaptable, despite the fact that human nature tends to show resistance to adaptation. Those who get past resistance are those who have realized adaptation is in their benefit, and make the effort to learn something new. Often, once they adapt, they can scarcely remember a period when they could not do what they do now. And many others could adapt, but they never get past the resistance to try.

    Not sure? Check out a person who learned to type on a full-sized keyboard, hammering out messages on a Blackberry. Sure, there are always physical reasons for some people not to read on a small screen, or type on a Blackberry… but most people can do it. They only have to want to try.

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