Dear Senator:

Major congratulations on your creative idea to trash the hard drives of suspected pirates. Here’s a counterproposal for you and your brethern on Capitol Hill. Whenever a member of the House or Senate makes a stupid utterance threatening Netfolks’ constitutional rights, a mysterious bug will delete the name of a top campaign contributor on all the computers at the member’s campaign headquarters. My theory is that this will nicely address the issue of Hollywood bribing the Hill with fat donations. You pols make stupid Net-related statements all the time–in fact, so often that thousands of names will vanish within a few weeks in the case of a typical Conress member–including, presumably, “Jack Valenti” and “Hilary Rosen.” Who knows? Maybe the TeleRead version of your idea can also include occasions when you guys waste tax money. That’ll wipe out the contributor lists fast.

Your pal,
David Rothman, for


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