f502202b-566d-4c53-97a6-787869758705.pngThis is something that might be very useful to a someone learning German or for a German speaker learning English. From the email I received the other day:

Last year, we released one of the few bilingual books published in North America. Rather than the “facing page” layout of most dual-language books, the text is aligned by sentence to support those who are learning German. (Or for German speakers who are learning English!)

Independent of that, it’s also an interesting (true) adventure. Unlike the usual WW2 escape story, the author isn’t escaping FROM the Germans, he is a German. His third escape takes him nearly 2,000 miles across Canada and into the US. (Details below.)

I finally made some time to create an ebook edition (DRM-free ePub). It’s available now at Fifibooks. I kept the sentence-aligned format, which is probably a first for ebooks. …

About the book:
Canadian Escapades – Kanadische Eskapaden
The true story of the author’s 3 escapes from WW2 POW camps
by Klaus Conrad
Translated by Maximilian Franck and Scott S. Lawton
Bilingual Edition: English and German, aligned by sentence

Direct link to the Fifibooks store page:
regular price $7.99; introductory price $3.99

Blog post:

There’s lots of info on the book’s home page and blog, with an online preview, video trailers, book posters, historical background, and more.


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