MyloIs the Sony Mylo, written up in PC Magazine, really worth $350? No e-book angle here, other than that, yes, I guess the 2.4-inch screen would be big enough for those wanting the book function among others. Many thanks to Michael Harris for the pointer. I’m just not sure if I can get excited about this one, Mike, even if it does Skype and all that. I’d rather go with, say, a Nokia 770, at least based on specs. Related: Engadget, MobileRead and Gizmodo items, along with an obviously heartfelt pan in RealTech News. Go ahead; speak up, folks; maybe I’m wrong.


  1. RealTech is mostly right on, but I find it interesting that he attributes the PSP’s lackluster performance to Sony’s focus on “games, games, games.” From the start, most of the people who bought the PSP complained that there were not enough games, and that they didn’t care about media functions. Ironic, eh?

  2. Yep. The other side of the coin is that families may be reluctant to shell out $350 for a little portable games-oriented device (unless the adults are also gamesfolks). Also, remember that $350 is the Nokia 770’s price and also well on the way to the price of a cheap laptop. Who knows how things will shake out? – David

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