
According to Publishers Weekly, Unbridled Books is teaming up with the American Booksellers Association to offer 25 of its titles in ebook form for 25 cents.  They can be bought exclusively through the 250 independent booksellers who are part of the Google Books/ABA platform.

The 25 titles on sale for 25 cents include some of the press’s biggest sellers, including The Singer’s Gun by Emily St. John Mandel, which recently won an Indie Booksellers Choice Award; 15 of the titles on the list were at one time Booksense or Indie Next selections, with three of them topping those lists. A full list of the 25 e-books can be found on Unbribled’s Facebook page,

According to an e-mail sent PW by Fred Ramey’s Unbridled’s co-publisher, the company “wanted to give the independent booksellers a tool with which they could bring their customers to recognize that e-books are available through independent bookstores too.”…


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