gandhi.jpgThe Times of India is reporting that 21 volumes of The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi will be digitized. These volumes are part of the 100 volumes printed by Navjivan Publications, but these have fallen out of print and are now unavailable, unlike the rest of the collection.

The works comprise 50,000 pages and it will take 3 years to complete the work. Eventually all the remaining volumes will be digitized as well.

(via Resource Shelf)


  1. THIS is why the movement towards ebooks is so monumentally important. Once digital books become the norm and everybody who cares about knowledge and reading (sadly this is probably only 10% of the populace)then a massive amount of culture and thought will be rediscovered and made available.

    I wish everybody would remember that a book is about the word, the thought, the argument, the concepts and the knowledge contained within it. It is not about pieces of paper and bindings and glue and pretty volumes on a shelf.

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