laptopEee User: Asus Eee PC 701 and 1001 will track news about the $200 Asus Eee PC 701 and the more expensive PC 1001. Domain reg info is concealed. Hey, I love the idea of the blog, but just who’s behind it? Come out, come out, whoever you are. Any Asus or Intel ties?

Useful info if true: “The Eee PC 701 (7″ screen) will be on sale this Fall, the Eee PC 1001 (10″ screen) next year.” Hmm. Wasn’t August the originally announced month for the 701? Regardless, one month is no big deal.

Reminder: For e-book-reading, I really prefer the tablet form factor, which is an option with the OLPC laptop.

Related: Branko’s subnotebook comparison matrix.


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