The nice gentlemen over at eBook Ninjas invited me to appear as a guest on their year-end podcast, and since I was on vacation, I only caught the release just now.

Chris and the guys recap the top stories of each month, with commentary from yours truly. If I had to pick my favorite story of the year—the theme that kept coming up for me over and over again—it would be the rise of the non-American.

Joshua Tallent, eBook Architects founder and eBook Ninja

Amazon has Canadian and Japanese storefronts now! Kobo establishes a development team in Dublin, Ireland! iBooks is number one in Brazil! I foresee a year of growing maturity for the international e-book market, and as far as I’m concerned, it can’t come soon enough.

And the Ninjas? Well, they were more into the techie standards stuff than I was. About the only prediction we could all agree on was the inevitability of a Retina iPad Mini.

Click here to check out the podcast and hear me live and in person, or simply listen by clicking on the embedded SoundCloud track below.


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