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I guess this will be the start of custom Fire apps.  According to the Amazon Android webstore the app has:

• An all new look and feel optimized for the Kindle Fire

• Browse through the latest USA TODAY headlines across News, Money, Sports, Life, YourLife, Tech, and Travel sections–headlines are updated 24/7 and stories can be shared via e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook

• Enjoy beautiful photo galleries, including The Day in Pictures, Day in Sports, and Day in Celebrities–flip through the day’s best photos or play them back as a slideshow and share your favorite ones with friends via e-mail

• Access the USA TODAY Opinion section and editorial cartoon gallery


  1. My husband and I love our new Kindle Fire. It’s lightweight, easy to use and has a great interface. The first thing I recommend anyone with a new Kindle do is install the nook app. We got our instructions from http://www.kindlemad.com through google. It basically unlocks all the Android marketplace apps and unlocks the device. I am one very happy Kindle owner!

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