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Broadway, the main street that runs through Robert Pinsky’s home town of Long Branch, New Jersey, was once like thousands of other main streets in small towns across the country. But for Pinsky, one of America’s most admired poets and its former Poet Laureate, this Broadway is the point of departure for a lively journey through the small towns of the American imagination.

“Pinsky offers a provocative take on the relationship between artists and small-town America. He explicates quotations from Cather, Faulkner and Twain, as well as scenes from filmmakers like Hitchcock and Sturges, and reminiscences about his own upbringing in Long Branch, N.J.”—New York Times Book Review

“Interspersed with his recollections are deft analyses of fictional small-town portrayals.… Pinsky’s eloquent reflections on collective memory and hypocrisy are well worth absorbing.”—Boston Globe


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