TrekStor Pyrus Mini eBook Reader blueIf you haven’t already seen it, run—don’t walk!—over to this post from The Digital Reader, where our pal Nate has a review of what he’s referring to as “the world’s smallest e-reader,” the TrekStor Pyrus Mini. And let me tell you, this thing looks ridiculously, incredibly small. (And as someone who absolutely loves miniature consumer electronics, let me assure you that I mean that in a good way.)

One of the post’s commenters, the inimitable Mike Cane, has requested that Nate post a photo of the Pyrus Mini next to the super-tiny Kobo Mini—and frankly, we’d love to see that as well. But if you’ve ever seen a Kobo Mini in person, you can easily get the general gist of just how small the Pyrus is by looking at the specs: Kobo’s Mini, for instance, has a 5-inch touchscreen, while the Pyrus Mini’s screen clocks in at just 4.3 inches. Wow.

Incidentally, we’ve noticed that while the Kobo website is still referring to its Mini as “the world’s smallest and lightest full-featured eReader,” that claim comes with an asterisk attached, along with this explanation: “*Full-featured eReaders are defined as having both a touchscreen and Wi Fi connectivity, along with a suite of advanced reading options.” Hmm.

We can’t help but wonder: Is some other e-reader manufacturer going to go even smaller, just for the sake of having “the world’s smallest e-reader?” Seriously: How much smaller can these things realistically get?


  1. Uh… a lot of us started reading ebooks on PDAs with 3.2″ screens. My old Compaq Aero 1550 was one of the best readers ever, thanks to a top quality B&W LCD screen. I spent many happy hours in direct sunlight with it. Color screens, despite being 3.5″ and larger weren’t nearly as nice to read on.

    Jack Tingle

  2. Not so comfortable as eink, and the age doesn’t help, but I remember reading tons on a Sony Clie with the B&W screen at 320 x 320 it was a pleasure. But like the others commenters said, it started on PDA’s like the Palm Pilot..

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