ObamapicToday was the day that the Supreme Court was going to announce whether the long-running Apple e-book anti-trust case will get certiorari or get put to bed. However, the commemoration ceremony for the late Justice Scalia has pre-empted the decision. SCOTUSblog writes:

The Justices did not meet Friday for their February 19 Conference because of the ceremony at the Court in honor of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. There will be no regularly scheduled orders or opinions next week. The cases that were originally scheduled for consideration at the February 19 Conference will be added to the Justices’ February 26 Conference, to be considered along with the cases already slated for consideration at that Conference.

So, looks like we still have to wait one more week to hear the news—and will have that much longer to argue about which side is in the right.


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