Fictionwise logoFictionwise‘s multiformat option is starting to include a Sony Reader format.

“If you have a Sony Reader and you’re interested in seeing the full capability of our new .lrf files, I recommend any of the four Dell magazines (Analog, Asimov’s, Alfred Hitchcock, and ElleryQueen) and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.”

That’s the word from Daniel Jorissen, director of publishing, in a post to the Fictionwise e-mail list. “We’re just shy of halfway through creating .lrf files for our 16,000 or so MultiFormat titles, and hope to be finished soon,” he said. “If the Sony Reader file is available for a MutiFormat eBook, …LRF will show up in the format selector dropdown menu in your bookshelf.”

He says: “These native files use the entire feature set of the Sony Reader PRS-500, including cover images, inline images, thumbnail images, metadata in the ‘Info’ section, linked table of contents (if supplied with the original), and … (drum roll) … you can change the font size.”


  1. This development caused me to buy a Sony Reader last evening.

    The saga has been as follows:

    Get it home – DOA

    Take it back to Borders today, but the store doesn’t have a replacement.

    They send me to another store 30 miles away who has stock. Turns out they made a mistake and only have empty boxes.

    This afternoon am off to a store 30 miles in the other direction who says they have stock.

    So far can’t comment on the unit!

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