logo.gifFrom the press release:

Los Gatos, CA. and Richmond, VA — July 5, 2010 — Smashwords, the leading eBook publishing and distribution platform, and the Diesel eBook Store, the world’s largest independent eBook retailer, have announced two eBook distribution agreements that will expand eBook publishing, distribution and sales opportunities for thousands of authors.

The agreement is comprised of two components. For the first part of the agreement, Smashwords will distribute its Premium Catalog of over 11,000 Smashwords eBooks to the Diesel eBook Store. Smashwords books will begin appearing in the Diesel eBook Store two weeks from today.

For the second part of the agreement, Diesel has selected Smashwords to power the new Diesel Publishing Portal, where indie authors, and publishers with fewer than 100 published titles, can utilize Smashwords to supply their books to Diesel. The new Diesel Publishing Portal makes it easier for self-published authors and independent publishers to sell their books at Diesel as well as other major eBook retailers served by Smashwords and via Smashwords-supplied mobile apps including Stanza and Aldiko.


  1. As an author who is using Smashwords to reprint my meagher backlist, this is great news. I was just looking at Deisel the other day wishing they carried Smashwords books. I hope Powells will be next!

    I wish there was some place on Smashwords that listed all the outlets Smashwords distributes too, there are some that appear in the Distribution Channel Manager, but it isn’t comprehensive. The knowledge could be a useful promotional item.

    All in all, Smashwords is a real boon for me. And from what I read, for many other authors, new and previously published.

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