Screen shot 2010-10-20 at 10.06.02 AM.pngChris mentioned the new network here. I just received a press release with some additional info on the ebook part of the network:

… Bookish Reading Club offers free access to great books each week from numerous publishers including Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins, Penguin Group (USA) and Simon & Schuster, with offerings from more publishers in the near future. A new HTML5 reader, powered by SkyShelf™ from LibreDigital, allows customers to read books in the browser on their laptops, tablets and many smartphones.

Delivering a new series of short eBooks on business management, leadership and travel to the Starbucks Digital Network, New Word City offers stories and groundbreaking ideas from some of the world’s most inspiring and instructive authors including Captain Mike Abrashoff, Jim Champy, Juan Enriquez, Jeffrey Gitomer, Seth Godin, John Kao, Don Tapscott and Alan Webber. New Word City will offer a combination of excerpts and full books, including original travel guides with ranging appeal for everyone from the armchair traveler to the adventurer. The network will feature an exclusive excerpt from best-selling author Seth Godin’s new book “Graceful,” which shares how to navigate the changes in our world.


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