Defense Department Blocks All Access to The Guardian in Response to NSA Links (Techdirt)Morning Roundup
Once again, the US government appears to be taking an incredible head-in-sand approach to the various leaks about NSA surveillance. The latest is that the Defense Department is now telling everyone in the DoD to block access to The Guardian’s website.
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Why Genre Rules eBooks and What Big Publishers Are Doing About it (Wired)
One of the biggest success stories in U.S. publishing in recent years has been the continued growth of digital book publishing. Last year, total revenue for e-book sales in the United States reached $3.04 billion, a 44.2% increase on 2011′s numbers and a figure all the more impressive when you realize that growth is additive to the print publishing industry. Even more surprising, publishers have focused much of their attention on genres like sci-fi, fantasy, mystery and romance fiction – markets that have traditionally lagged behind “literary fiction” in terms of sales.
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Kindle Words Now Open for Reading and Submissions (Good e-Reader)
Amazon announced today that its fan fiction platform Kindle Worlds is open to submissions and reading. This move from the world’s largest online book retailer may seem to some critics like just another way to make a buck off of books, but to the authors and fans who are participating, it is actually an affirmation of the writing ability of supporters of fan fiction.
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The Case for Reading Bad Books (Book Riot)
My reading time–like yours, like all readers’–is precious and limited. Life really is too short to read bad books, especially when there are a zillion times more great books in the world than any of us can read in a lifetime. But! (Come on, you knew there was going to be a but.) But sometimes, sticking with a bad book is useful and informative. Specifically, sticking with a bad book is useful and informative when you’re reading in a genre outside your wheelhouse.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “Hush: A Novel” by Kate White (and 3 others)


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