kindle unlimitedWhat Are the Most Profitable Comic Book Movie Franchises? (GalleyCat)
Marvel’s Spider-Man is the top grossing movie franchise based on a comic book, according to 24/7 Wall Street.

Amazon is Killing it in the Subscription eBook Market (Ink, Bits & Pixels)
If you were hoping that new retailers in the subscription ebook market could grow large enough to balance Amazon, then you might want to look for a plan B.

Why Are eReaders Great for Reading in the Sun? (GoodeReader)
Serious readers often turn to their trusty Kindles or Nooks because E Ink enabled displays are easily readable even in direct sunlight because the electronic paper reflect light like ordinary paper.

1000-Year-Old Village Told To Stop Using Name Because Of Trademark Claim From Hotel Chain Founded There (Techdirt)
Techdirt has covered its fair share of idiotic legal threats over trademarks, but the following example is spectacular even for a field that has many superb examples of corporate bullying.

Kindle Daily Deal: Brother of the More Famous Jack (and others)


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