From an Interview by Buzz Poole (via Imprint)

I first learned about The Institute for the Future of the Book while working on a magazine assignment that eventually became this piece for The Millions. In getting to know Bob Stein, his colleagues and the projects they championed I became convinced that concerns about the death of reading and writing were deeply misplaced. What readers, writers, publishers and retailers really needed to worry about, and catch up with, was the increasing potential of what a book’s content could be, the delivery of the content and how we could interact with the content. Of course, plenty has changed in the intervening years and the Institute continues to instigate the exploration of ideas regarding the future of the book. I caught up with Stein over the phone for his take.

Direct to the Complete Interview

Note: This interview was reposted and available via Slate.

See Also: You can learn more about Bob Stein and the The Institute for the Future of the Book on their web site. Mr. Stein’s bio (a brief one) is available here.

See Also: if:book (The Institute for the Future of the Book Blog)

Via INFOdocket


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