There are other 7” Android tablets out there than the Kindle, Nook, and Kobo. And as if to prove it, has put three of them on sale for under $100 today. The RPAD is $88.99 new, the Pandigital Novel is $98.99 refurbished (available in dark purple and red colors), and the Coby Kyros is $99.99 refurbished (“almost gone”). After that, the price jumps up to $249.99 for a couple of refurbished flavors of Galaxy Tab.

Further research indicates that the RPAD is only $10 off what you could get it for on Amazon and has gotten two one-star reviews, the Coby Kyros is available at the same price new on Amazon as it is refurbished on Geeks (though it has gotten overall better reviews than the RPAD, averaging 3 stars), and the Pandigital Novel is only $30 more on Amazon new. And all three devices run older flavors of Android 2 (and if reviews on Amazon are to be believed, the “Pandigital Multimedia Novel 4GB 7” Touchscreen Tablet Android w/Barnes & Noble eBookstore & Stand” can no longer even access Barnes & Noble’s e-book store, because it’s limited to Android 2.0 and B&N now requires Android 2.2—which only the RPAD, out of all three devices, has).

Maybe it would be best to stick with Kindle, Nook, or Kobo Android tablets after all, huh?


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