From the email:

The Open University has developed an eBook workflow that automates the production of media-rich, interactive eBooks optimised for iBooks. Gerald Schmidt, Project Manager, Content & Authoring, The Open University, will describe the open source tools that enable the conversion of the university’s OpenLearn open educational resources to eBooks on iTunes U. The Open University ( is the UK’s largest university with more than 250,000 students.

Audience members can participate by submitting their questions during the webcast.

Gerald is currently moderating a ePub / eBooks Forum if you want to talk to Gerald before or after the webcast. 

Join us on Wednesday, June 22 at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern by pointing your browser to:


Webcast ID: MacLearning

Passcode: 522191

Please forward this announcement to other communities and individuals interested in ePub and eBooks.

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