Received a press release about this platform today. You can find their site here. From the release:
Brigham Young University-Idaho views self-publishing as a way to provide affordable options for students, a revenue source for faculty (where permitted), and a central role for the bookstore in a digital age. One of the store’s first self-publishing initiatives is using the CaféScribe platform to distribute “Inner Victory,” a popular business leadership text published by Professor David Christensen.
“Our goal is to be the go-to source for the university no matter what kind of book students want or what kind of course materials a professor wants to distribute,” said Systems Administrator Ben Stoddard. “We now have a service to create digital books whether authored by a faculty member, co-authored by a department, or assembled from a variety of sources. It’s very straightforward. We send a PDF manuscript to Follett, and they post the book online.”