Screen shot 2010-08-18 at 8.46.46 AM.pngFrom the press release:

CourseSmart, the world’s largest digital course materials provider, today announced a partnership with AccessText Network (ATN), a national organization that facilitates and supports the delivery of alternative electronic textbooks to the Disabled Student Services offices of colleges and universities nationwide and the Alternative Media Access Center (AMAC), an initiative of the Georgia University System and operating under Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute Department to improve national services for students with print-related disabilities. In collaboration with ATN and AMAC, CourseSmart is optimizing its eTextbook versions of the most popular textbooks in higher education to increase functionality with accessible technologies. This will help ensure all students have an improved opportunity to obtain the textbooks they need for their academic courses.

CourseSmart has worked with AMAC, one of the nation’s leading accessibility centers, to provide text markup and improve the accessibility of 80% of its top selling titles so that they are more accessible than standard formats. These optimized eTextbooks will also become part of ATN’s federated search database to facilitate and support the nationwide discovery of alternative formats for students with disabilities.

More information here.


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