ces-ereaderCNet has another one of those year-end retrospective articles that start popping up around this time. This one looks at the scads of e-book readers that were introduced in the Consumer Electronics Show in January, and follows up to find out what happened to them all.

What do I mean by “scads”? The article is in the form of a photo gallery that has 23 pages (though some readers get two pages devoted to them). Some of these readers, such as the Aluratek Libre, have done pretty well. Many, like Plastic Logic’s Que or Hearst’s Skiff, ended up back on the drawing board.

It’s only another month or so until next year’s CES, and there will probably be plenty more e-readers trying for a shot at the big leagues. It may be tough for them to compete with the market being divided up between the multi-use iPad and the rock-bottom priced Kindle, Nook, and Kobo, however.


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