All Romance eBooks: Freebies (via Jane).
Amazon: Refurbished Kindle 2s—currently in stock for $219. Will competition further drive down used, refurb and new Kindle prices?
Barnes & Noble: “E-books under $5” and $9.99 NYT bestsellers.
Books on Board: Cybook Opus for $198. Lets you bold all text in an e-book to increase readability of books with E Ink. When will Sony add this feature to the competing Pocket Reader, now on sale at Fries for $160, as discovered earlier by Danny Davis?
Cyberread: “Review your favorite e-book, and we’ll give you 40 percent off on your next order of up to 9 e-books.”
Diesel eBooks: Custom bundles on such topics as vampires.
Fictionwise: Micropay discounts on NYT bestsellers.
Kobo: Twenty-five percent off on one book.
Sony: $9.99 bestsellers and newspaper subscription section, the latter of which I’m mentioning just because it’s new. Is $9.99 a month for the New York Post really such a bargain? And the $14.99 among for the Wall Street Journal is the same as Amazon’s.
Have you spotted any interesting after-XMAS bargains at the above stores or others—not involving vendors you may be connected with? These recs have to be from the heart.
For e-writers: If you want to experiment with voice rec software for composition, you can try NaturallySpeaking 10 for $29.99 from TigerDirect and even get a headset thrown in for free.
Fictionwise currently (until 31st December) has a discount/rebate of between 40% and 60% on all books. And this time most of the rebates also apply to books bought with micropay.
Fictionwise also currently (until 31st December) has 670 books on 100% micropay rebate when paying with Paypal or Creditcard
Fictionwise also currently has various discount codes running, including one 25% off code that’s valid until 31st December. jk25
All this has meant I’ve bought over 30 books in the last three weeks. Rather more than I intended to buy (none)!