Want to save some money on the Scrivener writing suite? BoingBoing’s running a sale on it for Mac and PC. For the next week, you can snag a license to the software for $19.50, less than half of the usual $40 PC/$45 Mac purchase price.
We’ve had a lot to say about Scrivener here. As I’ve said before, it’s hard to put into words just how useful I’ve found it to all my writing. Not only is it great for organizing your book while you write it, it even outputs to the major e-book formats once you’re done. At $20, it’s an utter steal. Don’t miss it!
Keep in mind what this probably means and that it’s exceptionally good news for Scrivener fans.
First, this hints that a paid upgrade to the Mac and PC versions will soon be out. This discount makes having to pay again so soon less painful. Keith, the primary developer, is a decent guy in just that sort of way.
Second, the release of a new Mac/Windows version almost certainly means that the iOS version of Scrivener will soon be out. The parallel releases make sure the two work well together.
Yeah! Let’s plan a global Scrivener party when both come out.
I don’t know. I’ve seen Scrivener go on sale before with no paid update in sight. I think he just likes to put it on sale every so often, the same as any software package.
That said, it would be nice if an Android version were to come out sometime soon, too. 🙂