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From the press release:

Baker & Taylor, Inc., the world’s largest distributor of digital and physical books, together with K-NFB Reading Technology, developer of the Blio ereading application, today announced that an ebook platform featuring the Blio ereader will soon be available on Azpen Innovation’s Android-based tablet devices.

“We’re excited to partner with Azpen to provide an innovative ereading experience combined with a fully-merchandised storefront, so that Azpen tablet users get best-selling titles along with enhanced ebooks on an easy-to-use platform,” said Bob Nelson, president of Baker & Taylor’s Digital Group. “This new agreement with Azpen furthers our goal of creating new channels for publishers to have their content discovered, sold, and read.”

Through its partnerships with thousands of publishers worldwide, Baker & Taylor will provide a comprehensive bookstore that includes best-selling titles, as well as children’s books, textbooks and lifestyle books, such as travel and cookbooks, many with integrated full-color and other multimedia enhancements.

“We were excited to showcase our next generation tablets at CES recently, and are thrilled to add ereading capabilities to those devices,” says Jim Hu, CEO at Azpen. “Consumers are looking for devices that can do it all.  By offering Blio on our Android tablets, we’re able to provide our customers with a seamless and media rich ereading experience.”

For more information and to download Blio, please visit or


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