Colouring-in-bookThe Independent has a piece looking at the unexpected success of adult coloring books. Many adults are finding the activity of coloring between the lines to be soothing, akin to meditation, and colorists like to post their “completed” works to Instagram. The article as a whole is interesting, though coloring on paper doesn’t seem to have a whole lot to do with reading on screens.

Or does it?

“It’s a bit mad, isn’t it,” [Scottish designer Johanna] Basford says from the publicity trail for Lost Ocean. “But I think everyone’s a bit screen-weary. We live in a digital world and I think people are craving a digital detox. Colouring books are a wonderful way to switch off, something analogue and creative and a chance to lose yourself in a creative task.”

So, might adult coloring books be the anti-e-book? It could be a point worth considering.


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