The contestants were Kindle, Nook, Aldiko 2.0, Stanza dn iBooks. Aldiko was the winner. No a giant response, but here are the numbers:
Kindle 58 votes
Nook 151 votes
Aldiko 2.0 169 votes
Stanza 20 votes
iBooks 20 votes
Total 418 votes.
The contestants were Kindle, Nook, Aldiko 2.0, Stanza dn iBooks. Aldiko was the winner. No a giant response, but here are the numbers:
Kindle 58 votes
Nook 151 votes
Aldiko 2.0 169 votes
Stanza 20 votes
iBooks 20 votes
Total 418 votes. is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of, who teamed up on the preservation project with