snugg iphone pouch caseMy husband says if I had my way, I’d change cases and covers for my devices like other people change clothes. He’s probably right. Good thing I occasionally get review copies for free, like this one: [easyazon-link asin=”B0091T1HQ2″ locale=”us”]Snugg iPhone 4 / 4S Leather Pouch Case in Black[/easyazon-link]

Let’s get the “leather” claim out of the way. The case isn’t real leather. It’s synthetic leather, and it does have an odor, however, I don’t find it unpleasant. I’ve been using the case for almost two weeks now, and the smell has faded. I do wish companies would stop including leather in their product names, though.

Leather claim aside, I like the case. Pouch cases are handy because I like the feel of using a phone “naked,” and the pouch keeps it protected when I toss it into my bag or leave it on the dining room table, where my cat takes great delight it walking on all my devices. The case is slim enough to fit in my belt holster, which means I’ve been able to use it exclusively since it arrived.

It has a three particularly nice features. The first is the pull tab to get the phone out of the case. It’s as easy to use as it looks, and, while I’ve never managed to pull it out as far as in the picture, I’ve never had a problem getting the phone out of the case. I can remove the phone from my holster and pull it from the case in time to take a call, with several seconds to spare.

Number two is the presence of tiny cutouts for the speaker. Yes, you can actually hear ring tones when the phone is in the case! Nice touch.

The third is the card slot on the face of the pouch. It’s only big enough for one card, and the card fits snugly. I have to remove the phone to get enough slack to get the card out, but it works. It’s handy for quick trips, like to the dog park when all I need is a driver’s license. I was hoping I’d be able to use it for my Metro card, but it’s too awkward to first remove the phone and then the card. Maybe in a month or so if it stretches out a bit more?

This is my second Snugg product, and I’m liking the company. Their products are well made a reasonably priced. No worries if you don’t have an iPhone. The pouch cover is also available for the Samsung Galaxy S3-5 and the Blackberry Z10. If you like pouch-style cases, you’ll be happy with this one.


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