For anyone who wants a guide to the latest (academic and education) thinking on how to write for the internet, there’s a free offer today for you. The Mobileread Forums have shared a freebie deal on, offering Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning, edited by Jack Dougherty and Tennyson O’Donnell. This is up as “Today’s Featured Free eBook,” so there’s no guarantee that it will stay free. However, hosts a lot of permanently free titles, so it’s worth searching to see if the work is still up for grabs. Since it’s offered up under a Creative Commons license, it very likely will be.
Bear in mind, though, that this is a collection of academic essays, where practical how-to advice is interspersed between other articles with entirely different agendas. “The essays in Web Writing respond to contemporary debates over the proper role of the Internet in higher education, steering a middle course between polarized attitudes that often dominate the conversation,” explains the introductory blurb. “The authors argue for the wise integration of web tools into what the liberal arts does best: writing across the curriculum.”
So, alongside “Science Writing, Wikis, and Collaborative Learning,” and “Cooperative In-Class Writing with Google Docs,” you have “Indigenizing Wikipedia: Student Accountability to Native American Authors on the World’s Largest Encyclopedia,” and “Web Writing as Intercultural Dialogue.” The “Tutorials and Extras” section does at least comprise five essays on practical web and academic writing skills – albeit all authored by editor Jack Dougherty.
If any of this looks like it might help you as a writer for the web, or even as a teacher, it’s all there for free, in PDF, .mobi or EPUB formats. Go for it.