image The infamous Nook is Number Two on Time’s list of the year’s best gadgets. Number One is the Motorola Doid.

Excerpt from the Nook write-up: “The screen is one you’ve seen before: the 6-in. E Ink screen in Barnes & Noble’s new Nook e-reader is the same one in Amazon’s Kindle 2. It’s the stuff around and behind the screen that makes the Nook cool. Like that color touchscreen right below it, adding some flair and speed to go with the poky, drab E Ink display."

Speaking of the Nook, software engineer Liza Daly has found ePub-related horrors ranging from useless images of HTML anchors to hanging during the display of “multiple commercial, valid, battle-tested ePubs” and problems with font-face changes and Arabic and Chinese.

Yep, I’m thinking the obvious. In the Credibility Department, Liza certainly could have saved Time. Meanwhile check out her Nook unboxing photos.

Detail: As one smart-alec has pointed out, maybe the Number Two ranking is wrong for another reason: The Nook isn’t really being released in large numbers until 2010.


  1. “…wrong for another reason: The Nook isn’t really being released in large numbers until 2010.”

    Well, It has been released this year, for one. Also, the #1 Droid, was released just over a month ago. About the same time B&N announced nook.

    So considering the timing, it seems like they are rating the hype.

    I read Pogue’s review, too. I checked out one of the Demo’s in-store. It seems to run fine. It’s a good thing this device is available to try out so people can see for themselves before they buy. He’s entitled to his opinion.

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