ereaderstore jkOnTheRun was right. Here’s the lowdown directly from Steve Pendergrast, co-owner of, now part of Fictionwise:

“We currently have a little over 25,000 titles on Under the prior owners the number was about 17,500 at the end of 2007.

“We expect to hit 50,000 titles on sometime this summer.

“So yes, we are adding quite a few. And these are legit titles, not thousands of vanity press/self published titles. These are major trade publisher titles or respected independent publishers.”

Related: Fictionwise buys eReader store from Motricity: Smart move for Pendergrast bothers—and good for e-book world in general.


  1. David is correct somewhat. My question was less than clear. When I read the quote my first thought was: if Fictionwise is investing in this format, when would they announce a dedicated eReader e-reader*?

    I knew about the Ebookwise. Since Fictionwise already has experience distributing and supporting a device, so adding a new one would not be difficult. I’m slightly puzzled that they haven’t already announced one.

    *I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  2. Hey, I’d hope that the possible reader hardware from Fictionwise could handle .epub as well as eReader and the eBookwise format. Significantly, Garth Conboy, a founder of ETI, the company providing the current eBookwise hardware to Fictionwise, is one of the main IDPF guys developing .epub. He even worked on the .epub validation project. Folks already know, from my posting today, about the pain that the Tower of eBabel is making consumers suffer. It’ll really help if dedicated devices include .epub capablities. Thanks. David

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