And now, may I present the lucky winners of the Read an E-Book Week 2011 Win an E Ink Watch promotion!  The winners are:

Glory H from Dubuque, IA; and

Paul Milke from Uxbridge, MA!

E Ink has been notified, and the watches will be winging their way to you guys! Everyone join me in Congratulations to our winners!

The watch contest did well! Most interestingly, I’ve gotten some very interesting responses for the write-in portion of the contest, asking what people would like to see in the sequel to Verdant Skies. I plan to respond to many of those write-ins, just to acknowledge them, or possibly to discuss their ideas. And I can assure you that some of them are well within the concept of Verdant Skies that they can be used to some extent. I may just ask my readers to give me ideas for all my future books! 😉


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