
“High-level discussions about ending Book World have indeed taken place, according to a Post source with knowledge of the talks,” says Michael Calderone at the Politico. “However, no final decision has been made.” A lot of book-lovers might love to meet up in a dark alley with whoever at the Washington Post may even have considered such a decision. Even the female kind.

If you read a quote in the National Book Circle blog, however, you wonder if Post Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli just might have left himself room to eliminate the section. The quote expresses a strong commitment to reviews. But that’s different from a commitment to the section.

The e-book connection: Devices good for reading newspapers would also be great e-book readers for many. Look at what iRex is doing with the iLiad. But if major papers rip up their book sections, there’ll be that much less to work with.

In fairness to newspapers: Is ad-supported journalism viable in a pay-for-performance age?, in Ethan Zuckerman‘s blog. Book sections hardly tend to be revenue champs.

(Via Maude Newton and Kevin Reiss and Galley Cat.)

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